筛选日期 项目类别 邀请人数 最低分数 备注 2023年03月09日 Skilled Workers in Manitoba
曼省技术工人224 612 针对sales and service
support occupationsSkilled Workers in Manitoba
曼省技术工人277 675 无职位限定 International Education stream
留学生类别53 N/A Skilled Workers Overseas
外籍技术工人43 666 MPNP under a Strategic
Recruitment Initiative2023年03月23日 Skilled Workers in Manitoba
曼省技术工人266 612 Occupation-specific
selection 见下方注释Skilled Workers in Manitoba
曼省技术工人200 672 无职位限定 International Education stream
留学生类别52 N/A Skilled Worker Overseas
海外技术工人48 708 MPNP under a Strategic
Recruitment Initiative邀请人数总计 1163
本次筛选共计邀请1163位候选人。其中,符合境外技术工人类别要求的91位候选人直接通过MPNP Strategic Recruitment Initiative获得邀请:
此外,另有127个邀请发给持有效Express Entry ID以及求职验证代码的候选人:
- 特殊职位筛选
- The occupations under the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 major groups were considered in this draw:
- 72 – Technical trades and transportation officers and controllers
- 74 – Mail and message distribution, other transport equipment operators and related maintenance workers
- 75 – Helpers and labourers and other transport drivers, operators and labourers
- 94 – Machine operators, assemblers and inspectors in processing, manufacturing and printing
- 95 – Labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities
2. 本邀请记录更新不包括针对乌克兰特殊移民途径的筛选。